Truly love how you've taken the amalgamation of jeremies/kierans and applied it on current film writing/criticism. It applies across all creative industries, doesn't it? I'd actually had a paragraph on this in my first draft but ultimately cut it out for brevity:
"Beyond this false binary waits an unexplored territory where seemingly opposing methods could transform each other. What glorious monster of a performance might emerge if Strong's method work met Culkin's lightning-in-a-bottle spontaneity? What if we stopped with this middle-school lunch table division of the "try-hards" versus the "naturals" and recognized that both approaches get to the same destination—making us forget we're watching something constructed? Sadly, this possible collision of approaches never materializes because we've decided it must be either/or, never both."
Thank you as always for your immense and relentless support of my work. You're officially my film dad ❤️
I’m so grateful for this curated list! There is soooo much good stuff out there and it’s overwhelming! One can only absorb so much. I could spend my whole day reading cool stuff and never get any work done, so there has to be a cutoff!
It is disconcerting that after Bong Joon-ho provided such a boost for the combination of creativity and financial success with Parasite that the timing of Mickey 17 (which at Parasite's budget would be a great success) after several weeks of weakness seems to have focused so many smart minds in the same direction. No one film deserves the pressure, but Snow White this week sure looks critical all of a sudden.
Truly love how you've taken the amalgamation of jeremies/kierans and applied it on current film writing/criticism. It applies across all creative industries, doesn't it? I'd actually had a paragraph on this in my first draft but ultimately cut it out for brevity:
"Beyond this false binary waits an unexplored territory where seemingly opposing methods could transform each other. What glorious monster of a performance might emerge if Strong's method work met Culkin's lightning-in-a-bottle spontaneity? What if we stopped with this middle-school lunch table division of the "try-hards" versus the "naturals" and recognized that both approaches get to the same destination—making us forget we're watching something constructed? Sadly, this possible collision of approaches never materializes because we've decided it must be either/or, never both."
Thank you as always for your immense and relentless support of my work. You're officially my film dad ❤️
I’m so grateful for this curated list! There is soooo much good stuff out there and it’s overwhelming! One can only absorb so much. I could spend my whole day reading cool stuff and never get any work done, so there has to be a cutoff!
It is disconcerting that after Bong Joon-ho provided such a boost for the combination of creativity and financial success with Parasite that the timing of Mickey 17 (which at Parasite's budget would be a great success) after several weeks of weakness seems to have focused so many smart minds in the same direction. No one film deserves the pressure, but Snow White this week sure looks critical all of a sudden.