I loved Fresh Kills! And I love how Jen talks about "greenlighting ourselves". We have to. Especially if we're women over 40 -- the world may not see us, but we have to keep seeing ourselves and amplifying our stories.

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Great interview, great film. I love Fresh Kills and will continue to shout that information from the highest peaks.

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I still can’t figure out why this film didn’t get more recognition. I saw it early on and became an instant fan. And it’s a very accomplished film from top-to-bottom and never felt “low budget” at all. As a matter of fact, it felt expensive to me - great production design and cinematography - and then amazing performances. Great work all around.

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Imagine how I feel, Blake. Thank you though. I have my ideas of why it didn’t go further. I will also say the amount of money needed for marketing is something that cannot even be touched with true indies. I couldn’t even get distribution for a year!!! I was told and I quote “ it’s not really mafia without like a Robert Deniro. Also “no one really wants dramas”. I have sooooo much I could continue to say on the subject but- you can only imagine the rest.

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The platforms, services, and distributors are all different tactics, although they can be certainly organized into a campaign.But is SO MUCH WORK. And requires both know how and tenacity -- and each in this current world is in short supply. There is so much more that our industry could do to support such films, but it really does require ALL OF US to stand up and support each other.

Who out there can do something to further support Jennifer and her film? Raise your hand. If you have a Substack, every week another member of FilmStack should focus on FRESH KILLS. There is so much richness in the film that if we each focused on another aspect, and gave Jennifer full rights to what we share, at the end of the year, she'd have a book to publish or another one to accompany her own. Why not commit to do this every year with another film that doesn't get the initial attention it deserves? Who's next? How can we amplify the film?

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I would love any and all of this. It’s truly been heartbreaking I’m not going to lie. But again not for my ego- for ALL who just love a good story with great acting not based on what star or what studio. Simply based on art. We NEED to push these types of film for the sake of humanity! I’m not being dramatic - look around- we are hurting as a culture -deeply. Not saying Fresh Kills could have changed the world but the amount of people that have seen it, women and men, who say, “ I AM ROSE” wanting to “get out” of the box they’d been placed in was enormous. Films help us see a world, a POV, a different road, which you may not have seen before. I believe the industry likes that status quo for us all. THAT is one of the biggest reasons why I believe my film was shelved. Because I, “that actress that played a cop” (quoted by Daily Mail after saying they had little expectation of this film then said it was best mafia film in years) wasn’t suppose to get out of my box and make THIS. Flipping the mafia genre on its head in such a way, doing it on my own AND being a first time female writer/director was not ANYONES plan. But it was mine. A very honest brutally painful truth - I haven’t worked since.

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AGREED. I thought I was being smart by keeping 10K aside for marketing. But I had no idea how much deliverables would cost. Then I raised an additional 10K but that only gave me a few months of PR. Now my film is out and ... it's all me Sometimes it feels like an echo chamber. And then sometimes, a stroke of luck or an ally shows up to help.

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Brooke let’s get on a live together!! My head has been under water but I so deeply understand what you’re saying. I was the marketing team. I will shout your film from all my socials to help.

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I’d love it!

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You and I spoke on Twitter DMs regarding your distribution you may or may not recall… I got an offer from Quiver for my new film and so I was inquiring with you about how your film did with them. Very glad to see it’s on Hulu now though, at that point you didn’t have an SVOD deal yet. I guess it goes to show how really tough the indie market is if a high-quality film like yours has such a challenging distribution path. But I’ll keep telling everyone to check it out. :)

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Yes, I remember now. Hope your deal went well!!!

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Didn’t sign with them (yet)! Still considering options. It’s a tough market and a tough decision.

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As I believe I said to you before- self distribution is a road I WISH I would have known more about beforehand

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Agree 100%

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Congratulations on your achievement!

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