Love this interview... to survive in this ever evolving realm... building community is critical. Great tips! Would love to hear more of the alpha test :)

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Hi Melissa, did you see the film? I am interested in seeing the films you have made as well.

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Inspiring stuff! Great interview. 👏👏

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"We all know how hard it is is for films made outside the corporate system these days. What are filmmakers to do?"

I keep hearing from voices in various forums, that what is needed is a sort of central hub for filmmakers to go to for financing, production assistance, distribution, etc... and my answer to that is that you're essentially creating a corporation (which is exactly what indie film DOESN'T need).

What's needed (IMO), is exactly what this article/interview demonstrates - if you get the information, and you have the chutzpah to take a chance, then even if it doesn't work out 100% like you thought, you can achieve a level of success that doesn't require a "Hollywood Machine" in order to match audiences with your film. There is more than one way to skin a cat.

(Actually, there's 47)

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My wife and I watched "You, Me & Her" on Valentine's Day, which was our 40th anniversary. I agree with a lot of the interesting ways they went about making and eventually distributing the film. I once ran an organization of 600 filmmakers, who became very discouraged with the ways their films were being sold and marketed. We formed our own Sales & Marketing Company and sold our films around the world. Yes, the filmmaker is the best person to sell their film, they know its strengths and weaknesses, and they can emphasis the former.

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