"We don’t have to make films for everyone." So true. Dylan in his biography said something he learned was that you have to be able to get your hooks into somebody. The lesson I took away from this passage (if I'm remembering it right) is that you're not making music for everybody, but for somebody.

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Agreed. I’ve been saying this for years.

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Enjoy Cannes.

This article sparked an idea, sort of a re-evaluation of things you've said in the past. What if the "new" tool we need to find is actually an obstacle in our path as we currently view it?

Consider your oft cited acronym (which I never quite remember your exact phrasing, so forgive me,) SOTBDA, or say one thing but do another. It's often the wrench that gums up the works as we rely on someone to provide something they're not ending up doing. But what if we turn it around? Use it to deliver a positive, while promising to deliver the mundane initially?

This inversion has been done before to great effect. Star Trek was originally pitched as, "Wagon Train to the stars." Rodenberry got the networks interested with the reference to something they were greatly familiar and comfortable with. But it was never his intention to deliver on that pitch (or at least not wholly adhearing to it.) He almost blew it by delivering a cerebral pilot episode ("The Cage") and was only able to turn it around with a more action heavy re-do and some retooling. And the rest, is history (that's still going strong.)

If we pitched our projects in the vein of more-of-the-same just a bit different, but, worked in some ambitiously authored original ideas in the mix of what is delivered, they'll be taken along for the ride and quickly forget what was originally promised isn't what they've been delivered at all.

From your own stories of working with Ang Lee, he seemed to have this knack of thinking about the future things than could be set up while working on the things currently in front of him. If we get good at it, we could tell people what they want to hear and still work on the adventurous stuff in the delivered goods. Get the greenlight and deliver a Ferrari instead of the Ford Pinto they approved. It's still a car, just a more exciting car that goes places the other one couldn't dream of.

Just food for thought.

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That's perfect. And also what I try to remember when I pitch stuff. But here, I want to be fully honest and say what I mean. I never want to be dishonest, but in a pitch there's more to the picture than meets the ear --- unless they ask the right questions.

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You spoke my thoughts again. I have stories with themes that will last forever but only the few pay attention.

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It seems to me, a newish filmmaker not in the industry, like the way forward is to make our own equitable models of production and distribution and cut out the existing studios/streamers entirely. They’ve proven time and time again that focusing only on profits and shareholders isn’t working for either the artists or audiences who are hungry for great stories. As a future WGA member, this strike seems like the first step in the right direction. Hope you enjoy Cannes and the oysters :)

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Hi Rob, not looking for a writing gig. This script is already written and has been for over a year.

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I don't trust purely good people as a group to do what is needed. They are often moral nitpickers, who don't take bold action themselves. I trust good enough people who hate the way things are, and who are willing to use every ounce of courage and wisdom they have to put important work out there. Hell, I'll take a grouch with a great cause over an idle saint every day of the week! Not a lot of humans found Paul Cezzanne (who grew up less than two hours from Cannes) decent company. From what I've read he was somewhat of an unbearable misanthrope to most everyone except his closest friends . Yet, he knew what the world needed, and was willing to be told "No!" countless times over agonizing decades to create unique, beautiful and powerful art that stands the test of time. Yes, being a good person is terrific, but so is being feisty when needed, and snarlingly dogged over time. Our having some rough edges may be just what is needed to smooth out this hideous business, currently plummeting into horrendous decline.

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Dear Ted Hope,

Hi, I'm an award-winning novelist, a former film editor (3 Emmy Awards), who has retired to write and produce films. I have a screenplay for a feature film/4-0ne-hour mini, with a budget, approx. $10,000,000.00, and a Film Presentation that I would like to send you for a film that, I believe, will be a financial success and win many awards.

I've adapted the script from my prize-winning novel, 'William & Lucy'. It won the 2012

Global eBook award for Best Historical Novel of the Year! (era. 1500 - 1940)

William & Lucy tells the untold love story of arguably the most famous poet

in all of English literature, William Wordsworth. We meet him as a struggling

young man as he encounters Lucy Sims, his 17-year-old muse.

England is at war with France and an agent from the Home Office is sent to

gather evidence against William (a Francophile), to have him hung as a spy.

W & L is a suspenseful love story that altered history as William's famous

Lucy poems were instrumental in ushering in the Age of Romanticism in

English Literature.

I believe William & Lucy to be an important film, one that will appeal to the millions

of Jane Austin fans around the world as well as to those viewers who

hunger for period stories with excitement, suspense, and a magnificent love story.

If the above interests you as becoming our Executive Producer, please let me know and I will email you our Film Presentation. If, after reading it, you think it's a project you'd like to become involved with, let me know and I'll have my attorney, Jay Kenoff, email you a copy of our script.

Many thanks for taking a look. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Michael Brown


(please let me know this email arrived - thanks!)

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Ted is supporting the writers strike! Why on Earth would he accept your pitch at this time? Timing is everything. And this is the absolute wrong time for writers to be trying to push material into development! Come on, Mr. Brown! You're probably a sincere person, however, you are going to ruin any chances you have with any reputable producers forever by posting messages like this! Support what the WGA is trying to accomplish or there will be only crumbs of this business left for writers such as yourself to work in!

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