Yes, I agree this is an important film about an important problem that exists in the world today. It takes so long to make a doc and then once completed, it is so hard to sell, even if made well. I have a friend who hates horror films, because they promote fear and violence, but she also does not want to see any more problem films, unless they offer a concrete solution. I have to say, that in many ways, I agree with her. I also have very little time to watch films, like I used to. I have to be very selective. If someone tells me, it defines a problem I may watch it, but if they tell me, it defines a problem and actually offers a possible solution, I am much more likely to give it my time. Not many filmmakers have the guts to offer real solutions to the problems we face in the world today.
I’m from Toronto! Didn’t realize Nisha was too. Thanks for this Ted.
Yes, I agree this is an important film about an important problem that exists in the world today. It takes so long to make a doc and then once completed, it is so hard to sell, even if made well. I have a friend who hates horror films, because they promote fear and violence, but she also does not want to see any more problem films, unless they offer a concrete solution. I have to say, that in many ways, I agree with her. I also have very little time to watch films, like I used to. I have to be very selective. If someone tells me, it defines a problem I may watch it, but if they tell me, it defines a problem and actually offers a possible solution, I am much more likely to give it my time. Not many filmmakers have the guts to offer real solutions to the problems we face in the world today.