The HopeForFilm Degree In “How To” In The FKATheFilmBiz
Everything you wanted to know about a few select things
Welcome students. I am here to remind you of all you once knew but forgot you knew it. We covered this curriculum, but still you come back. Perhaps filmmaking is like law, and we need refresher courses on all we’ve been living through. I’ve found that some of my most popular posts have been “splainers”: the once where I do my best to guide you through a maze.
I’ve published fourteen of these manuals now, and each could be a lecture. Let me know if you would have wanted such a class. Sure you have the takeaway handouts now, been it is always a different experience when it is live from the horse’s mouth. Giddyap pony, get along. Well, here they all are in one fell swoop. I started numbering them a while back so those of you who might want such a preset menu could see what the courses are. But of course I didn’t write them in order and the numbers I published them with may not be the order that I’d recommend you consume them in if you are just now about to enter the water. So I’ve both renumbered them and kept the original signifier. If you are a professor using this for your class, please give me some credit and get the students to buy my book. Or at least rate it or review it on Amazon. Thanks. It helps.
I’ve got a few more of these drafted. And I am happy to do more. Let me know what you need next will you?
HopeForFilm List Of “How To’s” (In Recommended Order):
HT#4: How To Make Sure You Are Ready For The Coming Sh*tstorm
HT #12: How To Prosper When The World Does Not Agree With Your Taste
HT#2: How To Restore Trust & Confidence To FilmBiz Relationships
And if for any reason you feel I got the order wrong, please let me know what and why you propose it instead.
Hi Ted,
Love your content. Thank you. Where can I read The HT #14: How To Attract Financing To Your Project? The link isn't working. Thanks.